Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Blues rock.
In my opinion this is one of the coolest types of rock.  I love the riffs incorporated into the classic twelve bar blues from bands and players such as Led Zeppelin, ACDC, , Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn and the stones. Although they are blues masters, their styles and writings are all influenced by the Delta Players of the early 1900 such as Eric Johnson. Anyway the reason for this rant is that I'm really lovin The Answer and their song Memphis Water. So go listen to it and take in the beautiful minor pentatonic solo. 

The Plot To Bomb Panhandle

i'll make my stand right here with my friends

Awesome song from A Day To Remember. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Owen Bloody Wilson

Well last night I watched the most terrible movie in the history of Owen Wilson. 
basically the story follows a family with a dog for about 10-15 years. But unlike the canine-classics such as Air-Bud, Beethoven or Bolt, nothing actually happens plot wise. The family goes through the same things as every other family. They have some kids. He changes jobs. And probably the most exciting bit was that they moved house. And to top it off the dog dies. Not once did the dog talk, play a musical instrument, wear clothes, transform into a human, fly or even play basketball. Isn't the whole point of dog movies that they can do something special. Here the dog just eats some couches and knocks some toddlers over. And then after an hour and a half of stupid they drag his death over twenty minutes of depressing music and heartfelt monologues by half the characters. 
Congratulations Owen Wilson you've achieved in making a film even worse than Drillbit Taylor.
But I have to admit It did make me laugh when the dog knocked over the 2 year old. THat's about it

Grey Britain

For my fist post i'm gonna tell you all, and by all i mean tim, about my new favourite band.
I'll be honest and say right now that i havent herd much of their first album so I wont be comparing it to anything else they've done. But there are a number of things which really make this record great.
1. Frank Turner. He may be ranga but he has one hectic voice. Most people I've talked to bout it don't like his voice, but the mixture of his filthy pommy accent and his filthy half-screams gives Grey Britain it's energy.
2.  The lyrics. The subjects of violence, rebellion, rain, poverty and England's general lack of quality tie in perfectly with the theme. But what really tie the songs together is the F-bomb. I don't think Frank has written a single chorus here without dropping two or three of them. If it says one thing its that he is passionate about the message he's sending out.
3. The Orchestra. Even though we're seeing a lot of them in punk/alternative bands today I think they've used it best. You can really emphasize with how they view there country.

But what really ties these things together is the dirty punk riffs and hardcore influences. There's nothing fast or tricky here but the way that they've pulled it all together is brilliant.

So far this is my favorite record of 2009. 
Huh, Grey Britain, more like Great Britain. 
Now I get the name.

Also check out Easton Legacy and The One THought Moment and tell me what you think